Berlin is our home and the world is our focus. Wicked crises require multiple approaches. The association Neue Allianzen starts as an experiment to combine these perspectives in a new way. We want to inspire thinking about the economy as we could start from scratch. For this, we offer thoughts and formats for exchange and coincidences.

Vom Ernten und Teilen
Screening & Impuls, 23.11.2023

#1 Utopien in Stücken
»Gutes Zusammenleben« machen. Mit Ton Matton und Hanna Noller. 09.11.2023

Time for Real Utopias, Screening & Lecture, 22 June 2023
Screening & Lecture, 22 June 2023

Economy Now & Next?
Screening Oeconomia (2020), 16.2.2023, Molkerei Friedrichshain

Thinking about Design
Are we locked in a global misunderstanding?